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Terms & Conditions

I. Description of services
The Pirat company offers a range of sea cruises, complete with snorkeling equipment. For each of them, a skipper is present to pilot the boat while ensuring the safety of his passengers throughout the crossing.

II. Reservations
Reservations are made via the Pirat website. To do so, please follow the steps below:

  1. Go to

  2. Select and click on the cruise you wish to book

  3. Find and click on the "Book online" button

  4. Follow the instructions

  5. Confirm your booking

In case of malfunction of the website, it is also possible to book by phone.

III. Customer cancellations
Customers have the right to cancel their cruise up to seven (7) days before the departure date, with full reimbursement of any costs incurred. Once this period has elapsed, no refund will be provided by the Pirat company.

IV. Pirat cancellations
Pirat reserves the right to cancel a cruise, without time limit, either due to unfavorable weather conditions, or due to insufficient passenger numbers.

V. Delay
With the exception of privatizations, in the event of delay on the part of a customer or group of customers, Pirat shall neither expect nor guarantee a refund on account of such delay, all in accordance with article III.

VI. Liability
Pirat accepts no responsibility for the loss or theft of customers' personal belongings. Customers are responsible for their own personal belongings and equipment.

VII. Security
In order to ensure the best possible safety for all, Pirat strongly recommends that its customers inform Pirat of any information that needs to be taken into account during the crossing in order to provide them with the necessary equipment and assistance (customers unable to swim, customers with disabilities, pregnant women, etc.).

VIII. Pregnant women
Pregnant women may use almost all of Pirat's services (excluding alcoholic beverages), at their own risk, after two (2) months and up to six (6) months of pregnancy, subject to a medical certificate showing no contraindication to maritime navigation.

IX. Minors
Pirat does not transport unaccompanied minors. They will embark and take part in excursions and aquatic activities under the exclusive responsibility of their attendant(s).


X. Bathing time

Swimming in the sea is reserved for people who are in good health and know how to swim perfectly. It is unsupervised (no lifeguard) and under the full responsibility of bathers and/or those accompanying them. The captain reserves the right to cancel all or a part of the swim break without notice. In the event of cancellation, no refund or reduction will be made.

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